How we do QR Codes
Why we use JavaScript & QRCodeMap
How to do it
How to use it on printed material
What is a QRCode?
QRCode is a square shaped collection of dots that are generated by a computer; scanned using a phone’s camera app & parsed (read) giving the user an option to take the action or view the data embedded in the QRCode.
What kind of QRCodes do we use?
Why use JavaScript & QRCode Map
You could make a QR Code point to a URL.
However there’s 3 logistic issues with static QRCodes (codes that map
Longer URLs make for denser QR Codes (more dots). More dots means you can’t make the QRCode very very small in on print
Not Flexible: Say for instance you have a QRCode on a hand-out that is for one purpose, but later that initiative sunsets (expires) but you still wish to capture all the traffic from that QRCode and redirect it to an appropriate destination. Using the QRCode Map style makes that far easier.
Metrics not captured. By going through or redirection map, we can capture metrics (data points) on every QRCode scan, even if those QRCodes are intended to open an website other than ours. Because you CAN print a UNIQUE QRCode VERY TIME you print… you can track which print was scanned.
With the QRCode Map we don’t have to fully retire codes!
Using this technique, we have a small bit of code that is executed when our page starts to load in the browser.
Before the browser has loaded the entire page that was linked to (typically the browser is instructed to review the URL in the address bar and if your qrc=XYZ is found, the code will redirect the address bar to the location you specified.
Let’s Making a QRCode
Step 1: Identify your Target
What is the shortest version of a URL you wish to redirect to?
Said differently: if you’re linking to something off-site
Review the Existing QRCode Map
To view / edit this map, in SquareSpace web editing click Home > Settings > Developer Tools (Advanced) > Code Injection
See the other QRCodes that are in play.
Follow the patterns you observe: creating a unique code
Step 2: Choose your Target
You’ll add an entry to the QRCodeMap for the mapping you wish to create.
Ideally we will use as short-a-url-as-possible.
Let’s go with: this:
The first part of this is the domain & protocol: we can’t get much shorter than that.
Next is adding a Query String Parameter (this is data sent to the page you’re trying to load). In this case our only Query String Parameter following the Question Mark “?” is “qrc”
Use a short and not meaningful alpha numeric value
the “value” which is used as the look-up-key in the map, doesn’t need to be special, nor does it need to be symbolic of the content you’re trying to load.
It would help if it was similar to other related materia
When using our QRCode Generator:, please use URLs like:
We can change this any time.
If a userQRCode