Our goal is to empower you with the skills and confidence you need to navigate the digital world with ease. You'll be able to communicate with loved ones, explore new hobbies, and access essential services, all while staying connected to your community. Embrace the possibilities of technology and enhance your quality of life with our engaging, hands-on workshops and QnA sessions.
We look forward to sharing more in July, 2023.
Your safety and security are our top priorities. As you become more proficient with technology, it's essential to know how to protect yourself online. We will guide you through best practices in digital safety, and provide knowledge and tools to avoid scams, phishing attempts, and identity theft.
Learn to create strong passwords, manage privacy settings, and recognize suspicious activities, all within a supportive and secure environment. Gain peace of mind while enjoying the benefits of the digital world, knowing you are well-equipped to stay safe and secure online.