Join our Lake Ballinger Center Orchestra
Date & Time: TBD
Requested Donation (Dues): $TBD
At the Lake Ballinger Center:
23000 Lakeview Drive, 98043
Raise your batons and fine-tune your instruments as we introduce the brand new Lake Ballinger Center Orchestra! We're striking a chord right at the harmonious heart of Lake Ballinger park, a symphony of nature and community. Whether you're a fledgling flutist or a seasoned violin virtuoso, our ensemble welcomes all melodies. Feel the rhythm of the restored ecosystem while you compose your own musical masterpiece, right here amidst the verdant views of the park.
And now, to crescendo the finer details! How about harmonizing your musical sessions with a savory tune of a lunch? We're serving up mouth-watering $4 lunches on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, perfectly composed to satisfy your taste buds. And the cost of joining our musical symphony? Just $3 for Lake Ballinger Center members and $4 for non-members, which includes a cup of coffee to keep your tempo up. So, dust off that instrument, warm up those vocal cords, and join us in orchestrating something beautiful!
To ensure the Lake Ballinger Center Orchestra hits all the right notes, we're keen to gather your feedback on preferred days and times. With your input, we can fine-tune our schedule to hit the perfect pitch for everyone. If our ensemble strikes the right chord, we might even synchronize with our delectable $4 lunch deals. So, let's orchestrate a grand opening together – your voice is crucial in setting the tone for our new musical community!